A thin star wind grows – Saskia Bunce-Rath
In A thin star wind grows Saskia Bunce-Rath evokes nostalgic memories and emotions. Her figures inhabit cosy, often quiet, spaces of contemplation, trepidation and joy reminiscent of childhood and coming of age. Those feelings of wonder are captured in these domestic scenes.
“Like remembering that feeling of being in the backseat as a kid, going down the corridor wrapped in a duvet so scared, stepping out of bed at night and being scared there’s something below.” – Saskia Bunce-Rath
The elongated anthropomorphised figures made of thread and felt exist in the fuzzy space of recollection. It’s a gentle depiction of youth where fears are tempered by a soft, hopeful and at times humorous world.
Bunce-Rath’s embroidery thread and felting wool, like post-impressionistic brushstrokes, create a dreamy atmosphere. The compositions swell and billow with their material around the dark, void-like characters. Vessels into which the viewer can pour their own past and reflect on.